My very best friend is having a baby boy and I could not be more excited for her. A baby boy! A lot of my friends from high school already have children, but this will be the first of my close circle of friends to bring life into this world. A beautiful amazing miracle, that still humbles me. It may not be in the best circumstances, but I know that she is a strong amazing women who will be an outstanding and loving mother. Her due date is weeks away, June 23rd (!!!) which feels so soon.
I first met Rochelle when we were eight years old. She was one of my very first friend's and lived just two doors down from my childhood home. We got 90's perms together and roughed it through middle and high school together. She moved to Austin, TX last year and ended up coming back and shortly announcing her pregnancy. Aiden's birth will be very bittersweet for me. I am not currently in a place where I think that I could properly care for a little baby of my own. Although I do sometimes dream of having a beautiful family. And I think one day, maybe sooner than later, or later than sooner, I will have one. When the time is right!
In the mean time, it's been so much fun, crib shopping and prepping and painting everything for Aiden. I have never in my life gone into a store and run toward the baby section. I have bought more bottles, diapers, binkies, and spoons for this little guy. I never knew little baby suit jackets could be so cute! I come from a very small family, so this little guy will be like a new part of the family. I get to be an auntie! and I am so proud and excited!!