Thursday, November 7, 2013

Positive Polly

I had an amazing day on Monday. Monday? Yes, I actually had an amazing Monday! How is that even possible you ask? Because I chose to have a great Monday. This is not a new concept. Your thoughts have a ridiculous influence on how you feel about everything. Your attitude can effect your entire day.

I had a client come in, she was actually my only client that day (which in itself would normally be awful because that means no money). She practices Kabbalah. I had never heard of this "spirituality" she was talking about, but she gave me a book when she left and I felt really positive after chatting with her. She was talking about how much we influence each other, how our journey is much more important that our destination. How we should love each other and how was should share our happiness with others.

I really hadn't realized that even though I was going through the motions of being "happy", working on myself, and improving my life. I still really wasn't that happy. I've beat myself up. I have not been nice to myself. I mean I know I haven't been the best to others in the past either, but I really have been AWFUL to myself. Everyone needs positive affirmations in their lives and the first place they should start is in your own head. I ended a very long term relationship a couple months ago, which I really don't want to go into crazy detail about, but I don't think I realized how much I lost myself in it. I woke up and realized I had been living my life based completely on what someone else wanted. and it was no one's fault but my own. That is something you allow, not something someone does to you. I didn't know what my hobbies were, I had no idea what kind of food I wanted to make for dinner. I could figure out if I liked techno, country, rap, or reggae. I was lost.

However, I do know that I am so gosh darn grateful for the life I have. It may just be Jupiter in retrograde... haha. but I'm feeling some changes, cha-cha-changessss. cue 90's music. I have a couple of long term friends who have been my cheerleaders, I have a wonderful relationship with my parents, I have made new friends, and I love my job. Even though I have spoken out of turn or have hurt others, I am a lover. I want everyone to be happy. I forgot that You have to be in your own corner first. You can't help, support, appreciate, or love anyone before you completely love yourself. I think loving myself has been something I've struggled with my whole life. I get mad at myself for choices I make or things I say out of anger and I beat myself up over and over and over again about them. I get depressed. I can't do that anymore. The only  thing I have any control over is myself, my emotions. I can't stress out about pleasing everyone if I can't even please myself. I am a good person! I am sacrificing! I love wholly! I am worth it! You should tell yourself these things everyday. Give yourself positive affirmations. You are amazing, You are blessed. You are apart of this great whole loving universe. Give love!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

In with the new, out with the old!

So if you follow me on social media, you may already know that I cut off my hair! So it doesn't look like as much hair to most of you. but it was about 6 inches! This was the day I decided to cut it and color it. As you can see, my ends were awful! (Please excuse my funky faces)

Sometimes you really just need to let go of what doesn't suit you any more and find something that does. So I colored my hair about 4 levels darker and took off all the not so happy ends. I haven't had the best luck in getting good pictures of my newer hair, and it's been an adjustment. But one of my good friend's Lauren was in town ( we were the two Lauren's on the block, growing up) and we went out for the drinks and some yummy BJ's pizza. And I did manage to get a couple of pictures. Please excuse my awesome laugh pictures :)

And here's a great picture of how I "part" my hair, and a better idea of the color.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Satisfied Sundays

So I've decided that Sundays will be my blog day (hopefully) that I share with you all the things I am thankful for! Sundays used to be my lazy day to enjoy with family. I wish that was still possible! But now they are more like my "Tuesdays" because I work Saturday through Wednesday. Yes, that means your Monday blues are really my Saturdays! Talk about confusing!

1. I am so happy with my recent room make-over. I am constantly changing my decor around my house, mostly my room. I feel like this change allows me better use of the space and feels more like me :) My desk is now in front of my window, so I get to enjoy the beautiful weather we have been having here! Hello mid 70's oh how I've missed you!

2. Room mate lunch dates & not having to put full make-up on for a day off. Oh how I love being able to shower and just go out! My Friday afternoon (aka my sunday) was filled with thrift shopping and bento boxes from Ra Sushi <3

3. Old school pictures. My cousin tagged me in this picture on Facebook with my other cousin. They both are married now and live in Ohio. This photo had to have been taken somewhere between 1997 and 1999 at lake Erie? Probably the last time I was there. Miss you guys! 

Hoping you all have some time to reflect on all the things that went really well this week. Always count your blessing and focus on the positives!

xo- Liz

Friday, October 11, 2013

Life Changes

In my last post I was talking about what a really rough time I had this past year and when I say rough I mean I was not okay. I don't want to dwell on on all of the negatives but way more of the positives! To say the least though, I needed a life make over! I woke up one morning and decided that I wasn't going to be defeated and I wasn't going to be unhappy anymore.

1. I took a look at what I was eating and realized how much it was hurting me instead of helping me.
I have been a vegetarian since 2002 but was not doing it any justice. My busy schedule equaled out to a sugary coffee every morning at Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts. A quick healthish lunch like Subway or Pei Wei, or nothing at all! And dinner was even worse, usually a frozen unhealthy meal. Now I am eating fresh healthy well rounded meals. I will post some examples soon.

2. I'm working out! I used to be so finicky about doing any kind of exercise at all. I now have a trainer who pushes me and encourages me. He is amazing! Feel like giving up? Get a trainer. Don't know where to start? Get a trainer. Feel like your workouts are going nowhere? Get a trainer. Moral of the story. Get a Trainer! They make a huge difference!

3. I'm finishing school! Finally? Yes! I feel like I've been in school for 10 years. I have been working on and off for the past 5 years to finish my associates and hopefully, I will be done by the end of this year!

4. I meditate everyday. I'm taking the time to reflect on my feelings, my life, and my body. It does wonders for my attitude and has created an insane amount of balance in my life.

Just when you think you don't have the strength or the motivation to keep it anyway. Pick yourself up, change what you don't like, and learn to love yourself!

xoxo - Liz <3

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Not so Green thumb....

Good morning ya'll! Happy Saturday! Most of you are just beginning to enjoy your first day of the weekend, while mine ended yesterday. As you read this I will be at boot camp, and then off to a full day of making people beautiful. My favorite thing!

Yesterday I was a busy bee and started my garden. I had been contemplating starting a garden for about 3 years now. However, in Arizona our ground is really hard to dig into (and unforgiving/drying on our plants). You are really only able to plant 6 weeks out of the year, once in the spring and once in the fall.

So my solution was a pallet garden. I found a lonely abandoned pallet in a business park near my house. I got lucky as it was labeled "HT-" (heat treated) so there are no yucky chemicals. I purchased my little plants from Whole Food for a smoking deal of $1.99 each, the mulch was $3.60 a bag (I used 1 & 1/2), and the Weed blocker was the most expensive thing at $6 at Home Depot. So I am now the proud owner of a gorgeous little garden for under $20!

Pallet Garden Steps In Pictures
Heat Treated Pallet
Weed Blocker/Ground Covering
Dirt/Mulch/Organic Growing Material
Staple Gun
& Of course, Your Muscles!

 1. Staple your weed blocker/ground cover to the back side of the pallet. This would be the side that has the least openings. My "back side" had only  two openings. So my front has 4 :)

 3. Get your muscles out and fill it in with your growing dirt!

4. Plant your green babies! 

And of course having a helper always make it more fun. Here's my helper...
Meet Sadie! She's a little old and only has one eye, but she gives lots of kisses and likes to nose around in the dirt too. 

Do you garden? Have you thought about growing any vegetables or herbs for your family? What's your favorite thing to grow?

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! Please send me some positive vibes for work tomorrow, I was out sick two days last week and have some making up to do.

As Always, 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I'm Back!

So it's been months since I have posted anything. The past couple of months have not been easy. What I thought was the end of a rough patch, was really just the beginning of a huge mountain. I wanted to start this blog on a good foot and get you guys excited too. A lot has changed for the better and I'm excited I get to share it all with you!

My last post was May 17th, so he's what's happened since then....

  • Aiden Michael arrived! June 10th. (excuse how gross/stressed I look. I just had gotten off a 13 hour shift) 
  • He is now 3 months old and is wearing 6 months clothing!!

don't you love his hand dimples *swoon*
  • I have two awesome room mates now!
  • I finally quit my job!! And I am now a full-time hair stylist. My dream job.
  • In August, I got to visit my mom in Portland with my some of my other family members.
Just a few things that have been going on in my life! How are things going for you? 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Aiden is coming

My very best friend is having a baby boy and I could not be more excited for her. A baby boy! A lot of my friends from high school already have children, but this will be the first of my close circle of friends to bring life into this world. A beautiful amazing miracle, that still humbles me. It may not be in the best circumstances, but I know that she is a strong amazing women who will be an outstanding and loving mother. Her due date is weeks away, June 23rd (!!!) which feels so soon.
I first met Rochelle when we were eight years old. She was one of my very first friend's and lived just two doors down from my childhood home. We got 90's perms together and roughed it through middle and high school together. She moved to Austin, TX last year and ended up coming back and shortly announcing her pregnancy. Aiden's birth will be very bittersweet for me. I am not currently in a place where I think that I could properly care for a little baby of my own. Although I do sometimes dream of having a beautiful family. And I think one day, maybe sooner than later, or later than sooner, I will have one. When the time is right!
In the mean time, it's been so much fun, crib shopping and prepping and painting everything for Aiden. I have never in my life gone into a store and run toward the baby section. I have bought more bottles, diapers, binkies, and spoons for this little guy. I never knew little baby suit jackets could be so cute! I come from a very small family, so this little guy will be like a new part of the family. I get to be an auntie! and I am so proud and excited!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

How to NOT go to Vegas and Arizona Wine Country

My plans this past week end included a nice little escape to Las Vegas from the soon to be 100 degree weather here in the Valley. That did not happen and I am very sad to say I lost money and some respect for some people in my life. Oh well, C'est la vie! On a more positive note, while trying to decide what to do with my last free weekend before summer school, my girlfriend called. We were bouncing between trying to do Vegas, LA, San Diego, or going up North. Phoenix is really an amazing place to live because it is within driving distance of a bunch of great vacation spots. We decided on wine tours!

I had never been to a wine tasting before. My exquisite taste have been exclusive to the likes of Bud Light. Thank you high school and freshmen year of college. Arizona wine was surprisingly excellent! We only made it to two wineries (thank goodness, because I had to nap in the car). We spent an excellent afternoon basking in the "spring" sunshine and enjoying the creek.

Have you ever been wine tasting? What's your favorite wine?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mom? Mom!!

This is what our dinner looked like Saturday night. We had eaten a big lunch and just snacked with wine, yum!

My mom is my best friend. My mom visited this weekend from Portland (where she moved about 3 months ago), and we have had a blast! She is here until this evening and I really don't want to say goodbye. Growing up my mom and I had many arguments and tiffs but I was very blessed, my mom never pushed me away or disowned me. She was proud that she raised me to be a strong women even if that meant I was as strong headed as she was. Now, we never fight..ever. I love her and I am so proud to say she's my mom!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thirsty Thurdays & Summer Essentials

The end of my 16 credit hour semester is finally coming to a close and boy am I ready! I've been day dreaming of summer and relaxing on the beach, with a drink in  my hand. This yummy June Bug looks delish! (source).

June Bug
3 cups ginger ale
4 tablespoons grenadine
4 tablespoons orange juice
3 scoops orange sherbet
white rum (optional)

Blend together ginger ale, grenadine, orange juice, and sherbet. Pour into ice-filled cocktail glasses. (To make a version with alcohol, add white rum.)

I have found some time to book some exciting trips in between my school summer sessions. I have exactly 1 1/2 finals left until I have three completely free weeks off (well from school at least, then it's back to the books). My break time is quickly filling in with plans, two out of town trips and my mom will be here next weekend! I haven't seen her in almost 3 months and it's been dreadful. Hope I can squeeze in a quick trip to visit friends in L.A. too! Here are my beach must haves...
Summer essentials
Swimmer: Target, Flippers: Volcom, Tote: Kate Spade, Sunnies: Coach, Hat: ASOS, Chappie: Smith's, Ring: Boticca, Towel: Victoria Secret (similar)
I'd love to see some of your favorite summer drink recipes! Do you have any beach must haves?

Tuesday, April 2, 2013



dress, Fashion Union: here/ shoes, Kate Spade: here/ bag/earrings, kate spade: here & here

Spring has finally hit the valley and I am so excited! We really don't get many seasons here, so I am trying to finish up this semester strong and get outside! Phoenix only has a couple weeks of beauty until the heat wave of death follows for 8 or so months. The summer really is awful here. But the in between weeks are absolutely amazing. High of 78 with a light breeze. We also have some the greatest hiking and I can't wait to get out and climb some mountains!!

What outdoor activity have you been missing this winter?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

GMOs! What? Huh?

This debate has recently become bigger news. What are GMOs? They are genetically modified organisms. So like crazy big tomatoes, pumpkins, and corn? Kind of, but not as cool. GMOs are both are considered a final "vegetable" (for fruit!) and a seed. These seeds are created in a laboratory, where they are "customized" (by rearranging their DNA make-up) to grow larger, faster, with less water, the need for less pesticides, and more nutritious. Well this is what they claim. Most of these seeds are copyrighted and owned by a corporation called Monsanto and they do any of those things.

GMO's are not good for you. Why? You ask, well simply put they require more water, more pesticides, and contain more chemicals then the "awful" pesticides we were using before. Gross chemicals that can be found in nail polish from the 90's (no one even uses anymore because it's so toxic!). GMO's contain Formaldehyde and Glyphosate. Formaldehyde is an organic compound that is highly toxic to all animals, regardless of method of intake. Formaldehyde is used to preserve dead bodies and is known as embalming. Remember the Brazilian Blow Out scandal? It was a hair tragedy! But this is our food! We are eating formaldehyde. Glyphosate is a broad spectrum herbicide that is used to kill weeds. huh? It is RoundUp. Literally, Monsanto owns the weed killer you spray on your drive way, and now it's in your food. You mind as well sit down at the table and spray RoundUp all over your plates, in your water glass, in your husbands cereal, wash your hair with it. It's everywhere. GMOs also deplete the soil and pollute the Earth, not Eco-friendly at all.

These are the results of a study preformed by Vince from De Dell Seed Company, Canada's only NON GMO corn seed company. These results make me want to cry.
Look at the levels of Formaldehyde and Glyphosate IN the corn! The EPA standards for Glyphosate in water in America is .7ppm. In Europe it is .2 ppm. Tests showed organ damage to animals at .1ppm of Glyphosate in water. This corn has 13 ppm! In another study that Dr. Huber reported,  .97 ppm of formaldehyde showed to be toxic in ingestion to animals. This corn has 200X that! That is why the animals, given a choice will not eat it at all, they can smell the formaldehyde! (source) The nutritional content is drastically less in the GMO corn then in the NON GMO corn. We need those vitamins and nutrients!!

So you're thinking, well I just won't eat GMO's if they are so bad for me. Right? That's what I was thinking. Okay, eat clean and natural, less processed sugary foods. I can do that. Except, wait a second, anything that contains soybeans, canola, cottonseed, corn, and sugar from sugar beets has the possibility of containing or being a GMO. Do you're asking yourself, How can I tell the difference? You can't, plain and simple. The US government does not require any company to label their product as GMO or GMO free. The one exception is Organic! I plan on completely doing away with any GMOs in my home, and try and avoid them as much as possible when eating out.

Educate yourself!

What do you think about GMOs? Do you think they should be labeled?

 Tell me what you think & Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Owl Baby Shower & Adventures

Rochelle, who has been my friend since the sixth grade, is expecting a little baby boy! I got the awesome honor of being asked to assist in hosting her baby shower which was this last Sunday. I had so much fun! I only wish I had taken more pictures, I was running around and chatting with our close to 60 (what were we thinking?!) guests. All of the food and decorations were so much fun to make! I just can't wait until the end of June when her little love bug will be here!

creme brulee, white chocolate lemon, and vanilla latte cupcakes & my owl cake.
Can you tell I'm obsessed with baking?! This was my first time using fondant, yikes.
the ice cream sundae bar, so yummy!

Our table themes and Lauren (Rochelle's Sister) was helping with gifts, love her!

My gift for baby Aiden's room. I definitely called that he was going to be a boy!
I bought these 3 days after she told me she was pregnant.

 My first time meeting my girlfriend's baby, Aubrielle and I fell in love.
I fed her and she made the cutest baby noises, melted my heart.
 I had such a great time and am so happy the party was a success! Have you been to any parties lately? What was your favorite part?

Also, I'm a day late (as always) but I'm linking up with Molly for #YOLOMondays (even though today is wednesday :o) Hope you all are having a fabulous week!

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