I had an amazing day on Monday. Monday? Yes, I actually had an amazing Monday! How is that even possible you ask? Because I
chose to have a great Monday. This is not a new concept. Your thoughts have a ridiculous influence on how you feel about everything. Your attitude can effect your entire day.

I had a client come in, she was actually my only client that day (which in itself would normally be awful because that means no money). She practices Kabbalah. I had never heard of this "spirituality" she was talking about, but she gave me a book when she left and I felt really positive after chatting with her. She was talking about how much we influence each other, how our journey is much more important that our destination. How we should love each other and how was should share our happiness with others.
I really hadn't realized that even though I was going through the motions of being "happy", working on myself, and improving my life. I still really wasn't that happy. I've beat myself up. I have not been nice to myself. I mean I know I haven't been the best to others in the past either, but I really have been AWFUL to myself. Everyone needs positive affirmations in their lives and the first place they should start is in your own head. I ended a very long term relationship a couple months ago, which I really don't want to go into crazy detail about, but I don't think I realized how much I lost myself in it. I woke up and realized I had been living my life based completely on what someone else wanted. and it was no one's fault but my own. That is something you allow, not something someone does to you. I didn't know what my hobbies were, I had no idea what kind of food I wanted to make for dinner. I could figure out if I liked techno, country, rap, or reggae. I was

However, I do know that I am so gosh darn grateful for the life I have. It may just be Jupiter in retrograde... haha. but I'm feeling some changes, cha-cha-changessss.
cue 90's music. I have a couple of long term friends who have been my cheerleaders, I have a wonderful relationship with my parents, I have made new friends, and I love my job. Even though I have spoken out of turn or have hurt others, I am a lover. I want everyone to be happy. I forgot that You have to be in your own corner
first. You can't help, support, appreciate, or love anyone before you completely love yourself. I think loving myself has been something I've struggled with my whole life. I get mad at myself for choices I make or things I say out of anger and I beat myself up over and over and over again about them. I get depressed. I can't do that anymore. The only thing I have any control over is myself, my emotions. I can't stress out about pleasing everyone if I can't even please myself. I am a good person! I am sacrificing! I love wholly! I am worth it! You should tell yourself these things everyday. Give yourself positive affirmations. You are amazing, You are blessed. You are apart of this great whole loving universe. Give love!