Sunday, October 27, 2013

In with the new, out with the old!

So if you follow me on social media, you may already know that I cut off my hair! So it doesn't look like as much hair to most of you. but it was about 6 inches! This was the day I decided to cut it and color it. As you can see, my ends were awful! (Please excuse my funky faces)

Sometimes you really just need to let go of what doesn't suit you any more and find something that does. So I colored my hair about 4 levels darker and took off all the not so happy ends. I haven't had the best luck in getting good pictures of my newer hair, and it's been an adjustment. But one of my good friend's Lauren was in town ( we were the two Lauren's on the block, growing up) and we went out for the drinks and some yummy BJ's pizza. And I did manage to get a couple of pictures. Please excuse my awesome laugh pictures :)

And here's a great picture of how I "part" my hair, and a better idea of the color.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Satisfied Sundays

So I've decided that Sundays will be my blog day (hopefully) that I share with you all the things I am thankful for! Sundays used to be my lazy day to enjoy with family. I wish that was still possible! But now they are more like my "Tuesdays" because I work Saturday through Wednesday. Yes, that means your Monday blues are really my Saturdays! Talk about confusing!

1. I am so happy with my recent room make-over. I am constantly changing my decor around my house, mostly my room. I feel like this change allows me better use of the space and feels more like me :) My desk is now in front of my window, so I get to enjoy the beautiful weather we have been having here! Hello mid 70's oh how I've missed you!

2. Room mate lunch dates & not having to put full make-up on for a day off. Oh how I love being able to shower and just go out! My Friday afternoon (aka my sunday) was filled with thrift shopping and bento boxes from Ra Sushi <3

3. Old school pictures. My cousin tagged me in this picture on Facebook with my other cousin. They both are married now and live in Ohio. This photo had to have been taken somewhere between 1997 and 1999 at lake Erie? Probably the last time I was there. Miss you guys! 

Hoping you all have some time to reflect on all the things that went really well this week. Always count your blessing and focus on the positives!

xo- Liz

Friday, October 11, 2013

Life Changes

In my last post I was talking about what a really rough time I had this past year and when I say rough I mean I was not okay. I don't want to dwell on on all of the negatives but way more of the positives! To say the least though, I needed a life make over! I woke up one morning and decided that I wasn't going to be defeated and I wasn't going to be unhappy anymore.

1. I took a look at what I was eating and realized how much it was hurting me instead of helping me.
I have been a vegetarian since 2002 but was not doing it any justice. My busy schedule equaled out to a sugary coffee every morning at Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts. A quick healthish lunch like Subway or Pei Wei, or nothing at all! And dinner was even worse, usually a frozen unhealthy meal. Now I am eating fresh healthy well rounded meals. I will post some examples soon.

2. I'm working out! I used to be so finicky about doing any kind of exercise at all. I now have a trainer who pushes me and encourages me. He is amazing! Feel like giving up? Get a trainer. Don't know where to start? Get a trainer. Feel like your workouts are going nowhere? Get a trainer. Moral of the story. Get a Trainer! They make a huge difference!

3. I'm finishing school! Finally? Yes! I feel like I've been in school for 10 years. I have been working on and off for the past 5 years to finish my associates and hopefully, I will be done by the end of this year!

4. I meditate everyday. I'm taking the time to reflect on my feelings, my life, and my body. It does wonders for my attitude and has created an insane amount of balance in my life.

Just when you think you don't have the strength or the motivation to keep it anyway. Pick yourself up, change what you don't like, and learn to love yourself!

xoxo - Liz <3

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Not so Green thumb....

Good morning ya'll! Happy Saturday! Most of you are just beginning to enjoy your first day of the weekend, while mine ended yesterday. As you read this I will be at boot camp, and then off to a full day of making people beautiful. My favorite thing!

Yesterday I was a busy bee and started my garden. I had been contemplating starting a garden for about 3 years now. However, in Arizona our ground is really hard to dig into (and unforgiving/drying on our plants). You are really only able to plant 6 weeks out of the year, once in the spring and once in the fall.

So my solution was a pallet garden. I found a lonely abandoned pallet in a business park near my house. I got lucky as it was labeled "HT-" (heat treated) so there are no yucky chemicals. I purchased my little plants from Whole Food for a smoking deal of $1.99 each, the mulch was $3.60 a bag (I used 1 & 1/2), and the Weed blocker was the most expensive thing at $6 at Home Depot. So I am now the proud owner of a gorgeous little garden for under $20!

Pallet Garden Steps In Pictures
Heat Treated Pallet
Weed Blocker/Ground Covering
Dirt/Mulch/Organic Growing Material
Staple Gun
& Of course, Your Muscles!

 1. Staple your weed blocker/ground cover to the back side of the pallet. This would be the side that has the least openings. My "back side" had only  two openings. So my front has 4 :)

 3. Get your muscles out and fill it in with your growing dirt!

4. Plant your green babies! 

And of course having a helper always make it more fun. Here's my helper...
Meet Sadie! She's a little old and only has one eye, but she gives lots of kisses and likes to nose around in the dirt too. 

Do you garden? Have you thought about growing any vegetables or herbs for your family? What's your favorite thing to grow?

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! Please send me some positive vibes for work tomorrow, I was out sick two days last week and have some making up to do.

As Always, 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I'm Back!

So it's been months since I have posted anything. The past couple of months have not been easy. What I thought was the end of a rough patch, was really just the beginning of a huge mountain. I wanted to start this blog on a good foot and get you guys excited too. A lot has changed for the better and I'm excited I get to share it all with you!

My last post was May 17th, so he's what's happened since then....

  • Aiden Michael arrived! June 10th. (excuse how gross/stressed I look. I just had gotten off a 13 hour shift) 
  • He is now 3 months old and is wearing 6 months clothing!!

don't you love his hand dimples *swoon*
  • I have two awesome room mates now!
  • I finally quit my job!! And I am now a full-time hair stylist. My dream job.
  • In August, I got to visit my mom in Portland with my some of my other family members.
Just a few things that have been going on in my life! How are things going for you?